I found this interesting article Range Minimum Query and Lowest Common Ancestor after I read about BIT on the same site (it's the best explanation of how BIT works comparing to other articles imo, so I looked for some other interesting stuff).
After I read through it, I decided to implement it. I posted it here.
It's a nice article, except that the last section "AN <O(N), O(1)> ALGORITHM FOR THE RESTRICTED RMQ" is very confusing. The last two sentences of the first paragraph say that"It’s obvious that elements in A can be just +1 or -1. Notice that the old value of A[i] is now the sum of A[1], A[2] … A[i] plus the old A[0]. However, we won’t need the old values from now on."
But then in the next paragraph, it says
"Let A’[i] be the minimum value for the i-th block in A and B[i] be the position of this minimum value in A."
It doesn't make much sense, since A is just a +1 -1 array, what's the point of finding the minimum in this array? I thought this must be a mistake, and I searched for some clarification.
There're not many discussions on this topic, probably because it's not quite practical. But from the few pages that I found, I confirmed my suspicion and figured out how it works, and it worked as expected.
Is it an overkill? Most likely. Having an O(log N) speedup - and it's only on the preprocessing time - is not a very big impact, and it's much more complicated than a simple ST.
Nonetheless, it's already surprising that it can be done at all! And I learned something new.
Someone mentioned that the algorithm can be simplified. Well, it already took me a weekend, so I won't spend more time on it. But I'll take a look of that paper when I have some spare time...
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