Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The limit of an averaging sequence

Consider this sequence of length $n$: $P_n=(p_0,p_1,p_2,\dots,p_{n-1})$, where $p_0=2$, and each time the next number $p_k$ can be any number within $[2,1+p_{k-1}]$ for $k\in [1,n-1]$. Consider the set of all such sequences of length $n$, $\{P_n\}$. The first few sets are:
\begin{align*}n=1:& (2)\\
n=2:& (2,2),(2,3)\\
n=3:& (2,2,2),(2,2,3),(2,3,2),(2,3,3),(2,3,4)\\
n=4:& (2,2,2,2),(2,2,2,3),(2,2,3,2),(2,2,3,3),(2,2,3,4),(2,3,2,2),(2,3,2,3),(2,3,3,2),\\
Let $P_{nj}$ be any path in $\{P_n\}$, and $\prod P_{nj}$ be the product of all the numbers in that path. The question is, what is this limit: $\text{lim}_{n\rightarrow\infty} \sum_{P_{nj}\in \{P_n\}} (\prod P_{nj})^{-1}$?

The first few sums are

    n=1:& \frac{1}{2}\\
    n=2:& \frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{3}\\
    n=3:& \frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{3}\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{3}\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{3}\frac{1}{4}

Answer: The limit is $e^{-1}$.
How do you prove that it converges to this value?

Monday, May 6, 2024

IBM Ponder this 2024 04 solution

Problem description, and the solution.
Hey, this time I got first place! Although there's not much to talk about.
The problem looks like a finite state machine problem. The states can be represented by a length $n$ ternary number, where the lowest digit represents the location of the largest disk, the second digit is the location of the second largest one, and so on. After each step, it transits to the next state, depending on the move.
The solution can be found by, like the solution page says, finding the periods of the sequences. Both the state and the move must be considered.

Or, just simulate the entire process. Out of all the problems that I've solved so far, this one is the most brute-forcible, if that's a word.
Each game is represented by 3 integer arrays, which correspond to the disks on the 3 rods, and a index of the move. Each time, read the move and change the arrays accordingly.
Usually the simulation of the periodic increment of the index is implemented as something like
  if(i==size) i=0;
But modulo and branching are costly operations, and the routine is called many times. To make it faster, I replaced it with a lookup table. The speedup is not huge, 90s to 63s, but still quite noticeable.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A nice identity of the sum of a certain fraction series

I saw this question on stackexchange, and I was intrigued. The equation in question is,
Are you able to prove this identity without looking at the proof that I gave under the question?

After simplifying the expression, it turned into
The first few $n$ gives:
By grouping the terms, I came up with this expression:
An interesting thing that I noticed is, if I replace the numbers $\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{4},\frac{1}{6},\frac{1}{8}$ with ones, it suddenly becomes obvious. We get this identity:
Then I wondered, what if I inverse the order of them? And I found that
which is very easy to prove.

The proof of the first equation, though, is much harder to construct, because the coefficient changes in the opposite direction of $n$ from the inside to the outside, so each time $n$ changes, the previous expression is no longer a part of the new expression, making the induction argument difficult to find. But after some manipulation, I found the proof, which I posted on the stackexchange page, so I won't repeat it here.
I wonder if more simple sequences can be constructed with other sequences as the coefficients

This reminds me of continued fraction. I think maybe this should have a name, like, continued product? But it seems that this name has already been taken by something different. So, maybe "rolling product"?
A similar concept seems to be Engel expansion, but here we have a way more general form, $a_1(b_1+a_2(b_2+a_3(b_3+\dots)))$, where $a_i$ and $b_j$ are rational, while the result is the sum of a different series. Or maybe this can further be generalized to any real sequences, or even complex sequences? I wonder...

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

IBM Ponder this 2024 03 solution

Problem description can be found here. The solution is posted here.
Not much to talk about this time. The result from $X_1$ to $X_{100}$ is,


Recording only when the result changes, the indices and values of $X_i$ for $i\leq 300$ are,


where "inds" are the indices (0-indexed, so it's $i-1$), "vals" are the values $X_i$, "idiffs" are the differences in the indices, and "vdiffs" are the differences in the values.
There's no obvious pattern here. So, the only way is to test every number.

To find $X_{1000}$, it's alright to use the slow way of generating a list of primes, i.e., testing if the number $n$ divides any primes $\leq \sqrt n$. The result is 115192665.

But this method is way too slow for the bonus question.
To test the primality of a large range of numbers, the most efficient way is also the most ancient way, by sieving. With sieving, the larger the range, the more efficient it is. But what range should I use?
If I use one bit for each number, 8GB RAM can hold $2^{36}$ numbers. Is that enough?

I decided to try that with CUDA. And I found this very nice GPU prime number generating algorithm. But it turns out that the result is beyond $2^{36}$. 

Let's take a look at the trend of the values. The following plot is the values vs indices in the result above plus the point (1000, 115192665) in log-log scale:
It seems that it still curves up, so at $n=2000$ it seems that it should be about $10^{11}$, which is about $2^{36.5}$. But it's hard to tell if that's enough, it may very well be much larger. What can I do?
Noticing that with primes list up to $2^n$ as seed, I can sieve primes up to $2^{2n}$. So, since I can already generate primes up to $2^{36}$, theoretically I can use that to generate primes up to $2^{72}$. But there's not enough ram or even storage to hold that many numbers.

Well, I can't hold all the numbers, but I can cut the range into sections, and sieve them one by one.

To save space, I only kept the odd numbers. The shifts, $i(i-1)/2$, are also separated into two lists, the odd ones and the even ones, for quick look up. It's not hard to come up with the formulas, i.e.

odd_sift[i]=(2*i+1)*(i+1-(i&1)), where i $\in$ [0, n/2+((n&3)==3) )
even_shift[i]=(2*i+1)*(i+(i&1)), where i $\in$ [0, n/2+((n&3)==1) )

So if the current number is odd, I only check even shifts, and odd shifts for even numbers.

The algorithm goes like this:

-Generate primes list up to $2^k$ on CPU.
-Using that as seed, generate primes list up to $2^{2k}$ with CUDA.
-Copy that to GPU. With that as seed, I can sieve primes up to $2^{4k}$.
-Determine the sizes of the bit arrays "good_numbers", "sieve_buffer", and integer arrays "odd_sift" and "even_shift", and allocate them on GPU. The sieve range must be greater than the good_numbers range plus $n(n-1)/2$. The larger the range, the more efficient it is. Initialize the bit arrays to 1 bits.
-Use the GPU prime sieving algorithm to sieve each range [sieve_start, sieve_end). Use binary search to find the starting index in the primes list. Also, since the minimum number to multiply is 3, and only odd numbers are considered, the number of threads is only 1/6 of the range.
-Check if the end of the range of good_numbers plus $n(n-1)/2$ is beyond the sieve range. If so, change sieve_start to the current starting point of good_numbers, and sieve this new range.
-For each bit index in good_numbers (offset by the current starting point), check if the number shifted by odd_shift or even_shift is a prime. If it hits a prime, mark the bit to 0.
-Use cub::DeviceReduce::Max() to check if there's any non-zero values in good_numbers. If not, move current start point to the previous end point. Otherwise, the answer is found, return the location of the first 1 bit.
(If cub::DeviceReduce has something like an ArgReduce() function which takes a custom reduce function, this could be done more efficiently, but I didn't find any. I've submitted a feature request, don't know if it'll be added one day.)
(Update: I was informed that the function that matches this description is thrust::find_if. Don't need to worry about the "thrust::device", just pass the C array and it works, like this:

    struct is_non_zero{
        __host__ __device__
        bool operator()(uint64_t x){return x!=0;}
            auto iter=thrust::find_if(thrust::device,good_num_device,good_num_device+good_num_size,is_non_zero());
            int byteshift=iter-good_num_device;

This solves the problem at hand, but still, I think it'd be nice to have an argument version of reduce. Maybe it'll be useful somewhere else.

When I wrote this program, I fell into a pitfall. I tested the program for $n\leq 300$ and $n=1000$, it worked pretty well. But when I tried $n=2024$, it just kept going, until my GPU runtime got disconnected. Then I switched to the CPU version, and very quickly, an answer popped out, 1412159754600. I was surprised that the answer wasn't found by the GPU, but it's right after where it left off. I didn't think too much about it, so I just submitted it. Since you've already seen the answer, you probably noticed that this is not the correct answer. Indeed, this is about 12 times larger than the actual answer.

So, where did it go wrong? It took me quite some time to find out where the bug is. It turned out, it was not in the logic. It was not even in my implementation. It was in this line:

uint64_t i = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x)*2+3;

It turned out, there were a lot of indices that $i$ didn't reach, meaning that many composite numbers were not sieved, instead they were left as prime. That's why the program never ended, it saw prime numbers everywhere, and every number hit a prime within only a few steps.
So what's wrong with this line? When I finally tried to output the indices "blockIdx.x, blockDim.x, threadIdx.x", a warning caught my attention. It said that I was trying to print an unsigned int type as an unsigned long long type. So, that's it. The indices, blockIdx.x etc, are all 32 bit unsigned int. But the number of threads can be greater than $2^{32}$. When that happens, it doesn't give a runtime error like a signed integer. It just quietly overflows. Very sneaky. Since these variables are not defined by me, it's not easy for me to check what type they are in.
I unconsciously neglected this possibility because I saw "blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x" as the index in an array in many CUDA program examples, so I naturally thought, "they must be in size_t type, so that it can be used to represent any index in an array." Well, how wrong I was.
Anyway, at least I learned my lessons. Never assume the type of a variable not defined by myself, always check them. And, CUDA indices are 32 bit unsigned int. Guess I will remember this for the rest of my life...
Anyway, converting blockIdx.x to uint64_t fixed it.

With seed primes up to $2^{20}$, sieve_range=$2^{34}$, good_numbers range=$2^{22}$, the program finds the solution in 2m40s.

Miscellaneous thoughts:

Primality test:
While I was debugging the program, I looked for primality test algorithms to double check the number of steps.
There are a few primality test algorithms available. I heard about the AKS test 10 years ago. This time, I learned more about other algorithms, and I realized that although AKS algorithm is the first deterministic primality test that runs in polynomial time, in practice we may use a faster probabilistic test. The Baillie–PSW primality test is a good candidate. Even though it's probabilistc, no counter-examples have ever been found. I found the FLINT implememtation of the BPSW algorithm and learned how to install and use it. It was pretty easy to use (although the installation is very slow...).

Generalization to other sequences:
In general, we may consider the function
$f(a_0)=\min\{n|a_0+s_n \text{is prime}\}$
We get a different function $f$ for every different sequence $s_n$. The problem above is the case where $s_n=0+1+\dots+(n-1)=n(n-1)/2$.
A similar problem is when $s_n=(n-1)^2$.
A simpler sequence, $s_n=n-1$, results in $f(a_0)$ being the distance from $a_0$ to the next prime number, which gives this list.
We may also consider exponential sequencies, like $s_n=2^{n-1}$.

An interesting sequence is $s_n=(n-1)!$. Here, 0! is better defined as 0, I think. The biggest difference between this sequence and those above is, for any $a_0$, the function $f(a_0)$ with $s_n$ given above should be finite (except when $s_n=k^{n-1}$ and $\gcd(a_0,k)\neq 1$ or both $a_0$ and $k$ are odd), but it's not at all clear where it will stop until we find the solution. But with factorial sequence, it's the opposite: we must have $f(a_0)<m(a_0)$ or $f(a_0)=\infty$, where $m(1)=1$ and for $x\neq 1$, $m(x)$ is the minimum prime factor of $x$.

I did some calculations on what numbers will give infinite $f(a_0)$, grouped by their minimum prime factor.
min prime factor = 2: 8,14,20,24,26,... Which is obvious, those that equals an odd composite minus one.
min prime factor = 3: 33,63,75,...
min prime factor = 5: 295,445,505,665,... I didn't find any up to 100 by hand, so I wrote a program to find them.

To calculate this sequence efficiently, we need a sieve algorithm that leave the minimum prime factor of a number. This is not hard to construct, just initialize the values to uint(-1), and use min() function in the sieving. The problem is when the composite number is a product of very large primes, in which case we must test the primality of $n+k!$ for $k$ from 1 to $p-1$, where $p$ is $n$'s minimum prime factor. The number can be very large and there are a lot of tests to do.

Another similar sequence is the primorial sequence.

I wonder if these functions give any interesting result...

Thursday, March 14, 2024

IBM Ponder this 2024 02 solution

Problem description can be found here. The solution is posted here.
The first thing to do is, finding the probabilities that A wins a round and B wins a round. The range of the sum of the numbers is [5,59]. There are $total=$4*6*8*10*12*20=460800 combinations in total. Now I just need to find out how many combinations result in each sum, which can be done by repeatedly shifting and adding. Then the counts of combinations for A to win are summed, the same is done for B. The result is countA=114399, countB=230400, so the probability that A wins a round is $p_a$=countA/total, and for B it is $p_b$=countB/total. (For the bonus question, countB=116001.)

Next is a Markov process, with 2n+1 states: $N$ - the neutral state, $A_1$ - A wins one round, $A_2$ - A wins two rounds, ..., $A_n$ - A wins $n$ rounds, and $B_1$ to $B_n$ with similar meanings. The transition matrix is not hard to construct, basically, $A_n$ and $B_n$ results in themselves no matter the result (probability=1), for the other $A_i$s, the probability that it goes to $A_{i+1}$ is $p_a$, that it goes to $B_1$ is $p_b$, to $N$ is $1-p_a-p_b$, similar for $B_i$ and $N$.
The goal is to find out the probability that it ends up at $A_n$ or $B_n$ eventually.

The standard way to solve this type of problem is, to do an eigen decomposition on the matrix, and remove any eigen values that's less than one, then multiply the matricies back to get the probability. The reason is simple: After each round, the new probabilities vector is the old one multiplied by the Markov matrix, and the goal is finding the result after multiplying the matrix for infinite times, i.e. taking limit of the power of the matrix to infinity. With eigen decomposition, the pair of inverse matrices cancel out, only the eigen values are powered, and any eigen values that are less than one become zero when the power is taken to infinity.

By doing that, the solution to the first question is easy to find, which is about 0.000167566680157.

The bonus question, though, cannot be solved with this technique. The reason is that there is not enough numerical precision. The method above gives nonsensical results like probability larger than 1, and sum of the probabilities has an order of magnitude $10^{-17}$. It started to break down at around $n=26$, let alone when $n=300$. What should I do, then?

I thought, the reason for the eigen decomposition is to find out the limit of the power of the matrix, but what if I just power the matrix itself and see how that goes? Numerical precision might still be an issue, but it was worth a try.
The naive matrix powering algorithm that repeatedly muliplies the matrix is too slow. The efficient matrix powering algorithm has $O(\log(n))$ complexity, where $n$ is the power. Since I just need to take the limit to infinity, I simply repeatedly squared the matrix. After $n$ squares, the transition matrix $M$ is raised to $M^{2^n}$.
After 65 square operations, the result $p=prA/(prA+prB)$ converges to 0.01525753293679526. But the numerical error still appears, because $prA+prB=2.861639890862583e-163$ instead of 1. I wasn't sure if this invalidates the result. Maybe I can normalize the sum every time after I square it, so that it remains to be a Markov matrix, I thought. And this time, it converged to $p=0.01525753293679551$ after 603 iterations. Using "long double" type in python doesn't change the result by much.

At this point I believed that the result is accurate enough, so I submitted it. Then I got a reply from Ponder This, which informed me that there was a formula of the exact solution. So I took another look and figured it out!

A typical approach to find the final state probabilities is, finding a martingale. A martingale, as I understand it, is like a conserved quantity in physics. In physics, when we want to know the final state of an object, sometimes we don't need to know the dynamics at every moment in the process. Instead, we just need to use the conservation laws, which states that certain quantities must remain the same in the initial state and the final state, which provides a shortcut to the calculation. A martingale in a stochastic process is a conservation of expectation. If the expectation of a quantity doesn't change after one step in the process, then the expectation in the beginning must be the same of that in the end, which makes it very suitable for solving final probabilities.

We may rewrite this problem as a random walk problem. Let's use point 0 to represent the neutral state, and negative points to represent $A_i$, positive points for $B_i$. We start from point 0, and if we roll an A, we move to -1, and if we roll a B, we move to 1, and we stay at 0 if we roll a draw. At any positive (B) point except the last one which is the absorbing state, if we roll an A, we go straight to -1, and if we roll a B, we move to the right by 1, and a draw moves us to 0. Similar for negative points. At the absorbing states, we don't move.

I wasn't able to find a martingale in this model, because the distance that we travel depends on where we are, so the expectation of our location can't be conserved. But then I thought, the expectation of the location depends on both the probability and the distance. The probabilities are fixed, but I'm free to change the distances anyway I want!
Now, if I want the expectation to be conserved, the expectation of the change in the location at any point must be zero. Let the coordinate of $A_1,A_2,\dots,A_n$ be $-a_1,-a_2,\dots,-a_n$ respectively, and similar for $B_i$. Denote $p_a,p_b,p_n$ for the probability that $A$ wins the round, $B$ wins, and a draw respectively. The expectation after one step from point 0 is $p_a(-a_1)+0+p_b(b_1)$ which must equal zero. At $A_1$, the expectation of the displacement after one step is $p_a(a_1-a_2)+p_na_1+p_b(a_1+b_1)$ which again must be zero. Similarly we get $p_a(a_{i-1}-a_i)+p_na_{i-1}+p_b(a_{i-1}+b_1)=0$. To get the equations for $B_i$, simply exchange $a_i$ and $b_i$, $p_a$ and $p_b$. At the two end points $-a_n$ and $b_n$, we never move, so it's guaranteed that the expectation doesn't change. Now, our coordinate is a martingale, because no matter where we are, the expectation of our coordinate after one step is always the same. Which means, if we start from 0, the expectation of our coordinate after infinite steps is still 0. Since we must be either at $-a_n$ with probability $prA$ or at $b_n$ with probability $prB$, we must have $prA\cdot(-a_n)+prB\cdot b_n=0$. Now we just need to find the coordinates of the two end points, which can be solved by solving the recursive equations.

The only constraint on $a_1$ and $b_1$ is the equation at point 0. So, as long as $a_1:b_1=p_b:p_a$, we can scale them by any constant. For simplicity, let's set $a_1=p_b, b_1=p_a$. With $p_a+p_b+p_n=1$, we can simplify the equations to $p_aa_i=a_{i-1}+p_ap_b$.
Let $D_i=a_i-a_{i-1}$, so we have $p_aD_i=D_{i-1}$.
Here we define $D_1=a_1=p_b$. We then have $D_i=\frac{p_b}{p_a^{i-1}}$.
Summing it up,
$$a_n=\sum_{i=1}^n D_i = p_b\frac{\frac{1}{p_a^{n}}-1}{\frac{1}{p_a}-1}$$
The final result, the probability that $A$ first wins $n$ consecutive rounds, is
$$=\frac{1}{\frac{p_b}{p_a}\frac{\frac{1}{p_a^n}-1}{\frac{1}{p_a}-1}\frac{\frac{1}{p_b}-1}{\frac{1}{p_b^n}-1} +1}$$
$$=\frac{1}{\frac{1-p_b}{1-p_a}\frac{\frac{1}{p_a^n}-1}{\frac{1}{p_b^n}-1} +1}$$
Plugging in $p_a,p_b,n$, we get the result.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

A Formula for Accumulated XOR Operations in a Continuous Range (LC E268)

I came up with this formula when I was solving E268. Missing Number again.

Given an array nums containing n distinct numbers in the range [0, n], return the only number in the range that is missing from the array. Constraints: n == nums.length 1 <= n <= $10^4$ 0 <= nums[i] <= n All the numbers of nums are unique.
Here is my original solution:
class Solution {
    int missingNumber(vector<int>& nums) {
        int s=0,l=nums.size();
        for(int &i:nums)s+=i;
        return l*(l+1)/2-s;
And of course there's the explicit sum solution, without using the formula:
class Solution {
    int missingNumber(vector<int>& nums) {
        int result = nums.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
            result += i;
            result -= nums[i];
        return result;
But it should be slower than using the formula, since there are n additions, instead of one multiplication and one division.

And then I saw the bitwise operation solution, like this:
class Solution {
    int missingNumber(vector<int>& nums) {
        int result = nums.size(),i=0;
        for(int num:nums){
            result ^= num;
            result ^= i;
        return result;
Which avoids possible integer overflows. But it suffers from the same issue as the explicit summation solution: it takes O(n) operations to find the accumulated result.
So, I wonder, is there an easier way to get the accumulated result?
And I found a surprisingly simple form of it. I'm surprised nobody mentioned it so far (at least not in the top solutions).
Let's see what the accumulated results are for n=0,1,2,...
      n   Xor from 0 to n
      0    0
      1    1
     10   11
     11    0
    100  100
    101    1
    110  111
    111    0
   1000 1000
There is clearly a pattern. After giving it some thought, it's not hard to see why the result is simply a 1 or 0 if n is odd. If you xor an odd number with its previous number, you'll just get a 1. So it simply depends on how many 1s are there. So the result is 1 if n=4k+1, and 0 if n=4k+3.
When n is even, we just need to xor it with its previous accumulated result, which ends with an odd number.

So, we can get the accumulated result in O(1), similar to the summation with the formula.
#pragma GCC target("avx,mmx,sse2,sse3,sse4")
auto _=[]()noexcept{ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0);return 0;}();
class Solution {
    int missingNumber(const vector<int>& nums) {
        int s,n=nums.size();
            case 0:s=n;break;
            case 1:s=1;break;
            case 2:s=n^1;break;
            case 3:s=0;
        for(int i:nums)s^=i;
        return s;
This can easily be generalized to the accumulation of an arbituary continuous range of non-negative integers [a,b], it's just XorAccumulated(a-1)^XorAccumlated(b).
Actually, it works for negative range as well, given the nice properties of two's complement expression. So this works for all integer ranges.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

IBM Ponder this 2024 01 solution

Problem description can be found here. The solution is posted here.

The first question is quite similar to finding the solutions to the magic squares in Ponder this 2023 11. I didn't implement the solver back then, but this time I got the chance to do it.
The equations easy to construct,

  x1 + x2 - x3 - x4 = 5
  x5 + x6 + x7 - x8 = 10
  x9 - x10 + x11 + x12 = 9
  x13 - x14 + x15 - x16 = 0
  x1 + x5 + x9 - x13 = 17
  x2 + x6 - x10 - x14 = 8
  x3 - x7 - x11 + x15 = 11
  x4 + x8 + x12 + x16 = 48
  x1 + ... + x16 = 136

There are 16 variables and 9 equations. Now I just need to assign 7 of them as free variables, and express the other 9 as linear combinations of them.

I iterated through all possible ways to assign different numbers between 1 and 16 to the 7 free variables, and check if it's a solution. There are $\binom{16}{7}=11440$ combinations, not too large. It's very fast to solve.

The complete list of 84 solutions is shown below.
  5 13 2 11 15 10 1 16 3 7 4 9 6 8 14 12
  14 8 2 15 4 16 1 11 5 9 3 10 6 7 13 12
  12 6 2 11 10 15 1 16 4 5 3 7 9 8 13 14
  11 8 1 13 4 16 2 12 7 10 3 9 5 6 15 14
  12 8 4 11 13 10 2 15 1 3 5 6 9 7 14 16
  8 16 6 13 12 5 2 9 1 10 7 11 4 3 14 15
  8 13 2 14 7 11 1 9 5 12 6 10 3 4 16 15
  11 16 7 15 13 2 5 10 1 4 3 9 8 6 12 14
  13 8 7 9 6 16 2 14 1 12 5 15 3 4 11 10
  6 16 8 9 14 7 2 13 1 12 5 15 4 3 10 11
  13 14 7 15 6 11 2 9 1 12 4 16 3 5 10 8
  12 13 5 15 6 9 3 8 1 10 7 11 2 4 16 14
  12 9 5 11 6 16 3 15 1 10 4 14 2 7 13 8
  7 11 1 12 13 10 3 16 5 4 2 6 8 9 15 14
  7 15 5 12 13 10 3 16 1 8 2 14 4 9 11 6
  15 9 5 14 11 8 3 12 1 2 4 6 10 7 13 16
  12 9 5 11 14 8 3 15 1 2 4 6 10 7 13 16
  8 13 5 11 10 14 1 15 3 12 2 16 4 7 9 6
  13 16 10 14 9 5 3 7 1 11 4 15 6 2 8 12
  7 16 8 10 13 3 9 15 1 5 2 11 4 6 14 12
  15 10 8 12 13 7 1 11 3 5 2 9 14 4 6 16
  13 7 10 5 9 14 3 16 1 11 4 15 6 2 8 12
  13 9 10 7 15 8 3 16 1 5 2 11 12 4 6 14
  13 12 6 14 5 9 4 8 1 10 7 11 2 3 16 15
  6 15 5 11 12 10 4 16 1 9 3 14 2 8 13 7
  15 6 5 11 10 12 4 16 1 2 3 7 9 8 13 14
  15 9 5 14 1 12 8 11 4 7 2 10 3 6 16 13
  12 16 8 15 10 5 1 6 4 11 3 13 9 2 7 14
  12 6 8 5 10 15 1 16 4 11 3 13 9 2 7 14
  15 6 11 5 10 12 4 16 1 8 3 13 9 2 7 14
  15 9 11 8 13 6 5 14 1 4 2 10 12 3 7 16
  15 10 8 12 5 7 11 13 1 3 2 9 4 6 16 14
  13 7 10 5 6 11 9 16 1 8 4 12 3 2 14 15
  13 9 10 7 6 8 12 16 1 5 2 11 3 4 15 14
  6 16 2 15 12 9 3 14 4 7 1 11 5 10 13 8
  12 9 2 14 6 16 3 15 4 7 1 11 5 10 13 8
  8 16 4 15 12 9 3 14 2 7 1 13 5 10 11 6
  16 9 5 15 2 13 7 12 3 6 1 11 4 8 14 10
  6 16 8 9 12 7 2 11 3 14 5 15 4 1 10 13
  6 10 3 8 7 16 2 15 9 14 1 13 5 4 11 12
  7 16 3 15 6 10 2 8 9 14 1 13 5 4 11 12
  15 6 9 7 10 14 2 16 3 8 1 13 11 4 5 12
  14 16 10 15 6 3 9 8 2 7 1 13 5 4 11 12
  8 16 7 12 11 2 10 13 3 4 1 9 5 6 15 14
  16 10 8 13 12 7 2 11 3 4 1 9 14 5 6 15
  16 12 8 15 2 7 10 9 3 6 1 11 4 5 14 13
  2 15 4 8 12 7 5 14 9 11 1 10 6 3 13 16
  2 14 4 7 12 8 5 15 9 11 1 10 6 3 13 16
  14 8 7 10 2 16 4 12 6 13 1 15 5 3 9 11
  6 16 9 8 12 2 10 14 4 7 1 11 5 3 13 15
  10 12 9 8 16 6 2 14 4 7 1 11 13 3 5 15
  12 16 9 14 6 2 10 8 4 7 1 11 5 3 13 15
  16 6 9 8 2 12 10 14 4 7 1 11 5 3 13 15
  16 6 9 8 10 12 2 14 4 7 1 11 13 3 5 15
  16 12 9 14 2 6 10 8 4 7 1 11 5 3 13 15
  16 12 9 14 10 6 2 8 4 7 1 11 13 3 5 15
  16 10 8 13 4 7 11 12 2 3 1 9 5 6 15 14
  7 15 11 6 13 4 9 16 2 8 1 14 5 3 10 12
  12 8 9 6 14 10 2 16 4 7 1 11 13 3 5 15
  13 8 7 9 2 16 6 14 5 12 1 15 3 4 11 10
  5 14 6 8 9 11 2 12 7 16 3 15 4 1 10 13
  9 14 6 12 5 11 2 8 7 16 3 15 4 1 10 13
  14 12 8 13 2 6 11 9 5 7 1 10 4 3 15 16
  12 9 5 11 3 16 6 15 4 10 1 14 2 7 13 8
  11 10 4 12 5 15 6 16 3 8 1 13 2 9 14 7
  15 9 5 14 11 8 3 12 4 2 1 6 13 7 10 16
  12 9 5 11 14 8 3 15 4 2 1 6 13 7 10 16
  16 13 10 14 3 5 9 7 4 8 1 12 6 2 11 15
  9 13 11 6 15 4 5 14 3 8 2 12 10 1 7 16
  6 16 7 10 9 8 4 11 3 14 5 15 1 2 13 12
  6 16 8 9 10 7 4 11 3 14 5 15 2 1 12 13
  12 10 4 13 11 7 6 14 3 1 2 5 9 8 15 16
  16 7 10 8 6 14 3 13 4 11 1 15 9 2 5 12
  16 13 10 14 6 8 3 7 4 11 1 15 9 2 5 12
  12 9 10 6 14 8 3 15 4 7 1 11 13 2 5 16
  11 16 7 15 3 6 9 8 5 10 1 13 2 4 14 12
  6 15 9 7 10 8 5 13 3 14 4 16 2 1 11 12
  6 15 9 7 10 5 11 16 3 8 1 13 2 4 14 12
  7 10 8 4 9 11 6 16 3 12 5 13 2 1 14 15
  8 12 6 9 4 14 5 13 7 15 1 16 2 3 11 10
  4 16 8 7 10 6 9 15 5 11 1 14 2 3 13 12
  10 12 9 8 5 6 13 14 4 7 1 11 2 3 16 15
  4 15 8 6 10 7 9 16 5 11 1 14 2 3 13 12
  4 14 8 5 10 9 7 16 6 13 1 15 3 2 11 12

To solve the bonus problem, a straight forward algorithm is, to simply iterate through the combinations of the assignment of operators '+' or '-', such that they are different in at least 12 positions from the original assignment, for all pairs of the solutions. There are 84*83/2*(1+2+2^2+...+2^12)=28553826 combinations to check. It's simple to implement but it took a little while to get the results.

To iterate through the assignments of operators, I expressed each assignment as an unsigned integer, each bit in the binary representation is 1 for '+' and 0 for '-'. To get an assignment that is different in $k$ positions from the original assignment, I just used an integer that has $k$ 1s in its binary form and xor to the original assignment. To iterate through all binary numbers that has $k$ 1s, I wrote a binNextPerm() function, which is basically the binary equivalence of next_permutation(), but with the __builtin_ctz() functions, each iteration is O(1).

A better algorithm is, to find the results that are partially correct and continue checking the further rows/cols. For that, I needed to map each solution of each row/col to the solution index. So, I used a hash map to store the results and mapped them to a hash set. The solutions must be on the same row/col, with the same assignment of operators, so the key must be the combination of these three. The result must be between -63 and 63, which takes at most 7 bits. There are 8 rows/cols combined, and 8 ways to assign the operators, so 13 bits are enough to store the key.

After the mapping is done, a recursive algorithm is used to find the results. Given two indices, it starts from the first row and looks for the indices of solutions that gives the same result for that row with the same assignment of the operators, and check if the indices include the second index. If it's found, it continues to the next row/col, otherwise it continues to the next assignment of operators. When it goes through the 8 rows+cols, it adds the result, a triplet consisting of the two indices and the assignment of the operators, to the answer. This is way more efficient and solved the problem in a second. The answer is checked against the original assignment of the operators with xor operator to see if there are at least 12 differences, and is excluded if not.

There are 3 solutions listed on the website, but actually there are 6, although 4 of them are equivalent. But they are not identical, so I consider them different solutions. They are listed below.

Here the $i$ and $j$ are my indices of the 84 solutions, you can ignore them. "mask" is the assignment of the signs in binary form, which is translated to the form that they stated in the problem.
The last 4 solutions are equivalent, because after the '+' or '-' signs are expressions that evaluates to 0, so of course one can choose either of them. But still, they are different assignments of operators.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

IBM Ponder this 2023 12 solution

Since the solution is posted today, I'll share my solution below.
Problem description is here.

When I saw this problem, the first thing that came to my mind is, to find a proper coordinate system. It's natural to consider the following coordinate system:
where $x$ and $y$ axis make $60^\circ$. The distance from a point at $(i,j)$ to the origin is, $d=\sqrt{i^2+j^2-2ij\cos(120^\circ)}=\sqrt{i^2+j^2+ij}$.
Next, considering the symmetry, we only need to consider the points that's within $30^\circ$ to $x$ axis, or equavalently, from $30^\circ$ to $60^\circ$, i.e. $j\geq i$.
So, our goal is finding all the $r$s such that 
  $i\geq 1,j\geq i$,
  $d=i^2+ij+j^2$ is not a perfect square,
has exactly $10^6$ distinct solutions for $d$.

Let's estimate the number of solutions for a given $r$. It's easy to find the density of the points, $2/\sqrt 3$, and the area of the ring is close to $2\pi r$, so there are about $4\pi r/\sqrt 3$ points. If we only consider $1/12$ of the ring, there are $\pi r / 3\sqrt 3\approx 0.6r$ points. But a finite proportion of the points are on the circle, and different points may have the same distance, so the actual ratio should be smaller than $0.6$.

To calculate exactly how many points with different distances are there inside the ring of radius $r$, the range of $i$ is from $\lceil r/\sqrt 3\rceil$ to $r$, and we can find the range of $j$ by solving the quadratic equation. Iterating through them and using a hash set to exclude the duplicate distances, we can find the result.

The first few numbers show that the ratio at arond $r=300$ is about $0.4$. As $i$ and $j$ increase, intuitively, the probability that multiple $(i,j)$ pairs give the same $d$ may increase, so the ratio may decrease slowly. At $r=1000$, the ratio lowers to $0.342$.

But we're not sure how fast it decreases, so it's hard to estimate where exactly we should start at. Typically this kind of estimation can be solved by binary search. A simple binary search gives:
The ratio is about $0.232$. So, the next question is, where exactly should we start at? Let's try $431000$. The first few results are,
It seems that it's quite safe to start from here, since although it fluctuates, it's still more or less far from 1000000.
But is that true? Let's see a bit more results...
Damn! This shows the possiblity that we are missing some results that are less than 4310000.

Using a larger range, I got
  4305000 -> 998172
  4320000 -> 1001878
A 2000 gap seems safe enough, although it's not guaranteed. Let's use this range to start with.

Since the result fluctuates a lot, to find a single solution is not much different from finding all the solutions. We just simply check all the radii in range. But from the hint, it's much easier to find the palindrome solution, since the choices are much fewer. We just need to check 430?034 and 431?134. The result is 4313134.

To find the other solutions, we must check all the 15000 radii. Now, performance becomes an issue. It would take about 13 hours for the python program that I first wrote to complete.
Then I realized that, the numbers are not that huge, they fit in "int" type in C++, and the squares can be stored in a "long long". And indeed, it's much faster.

Then I thought, can I accelerate it further with parallelization? I was thinking of openMP, but while I browse relevant information, I learned that there's class for parallelization in C++17 STL. So, I figured out how to use "std::execution::par" to run the functions in parallel, which sped up the program by a factor of the number of cores, which is 4.

With some simplification to the logic, so that "sqrt()" is only called once in the calculation for each x-coordinate and radius where the rest are all integer operations, I managed to get the result in 5038.41s. The time per each radius is 5038.41s/15000 = 0.336s, really fast. Even without the multi-core parallelization, it would still be about 1.34s per radius, much faster than the speed they show on the solution page.

I also considered GPU acceleration, but apparently I couldn't simply put an STL hash set inside a CUDA kernel. I noticed that there are open source hash set implementations for CUDA, but it's probably not easy to integrate them into google colab. Anyway, I'll look into them when it's necessary.

Since the computation was pretty fast, I ran it again to do some statistics. The results are,

  First over:r=4308795,cnt=1000034
  Min in range:r=4309083,cnt=998488
  Max in range:r=4315454,cnt=1001567
  Last under:r=4316001,cnt=999942

, where the first row are the results, "First over" is the first radius whose count is greater or equal to 1000000, "Min in range" is the minimum count after "First over", and "Max in range" is the maximum before "Last under", which is the last radius whose count is below 1000000.

So, this supports the justification to start from 4305000 and end at 4320000, since there are fairly large gaps between them and "First over" and "Last under" respectively. It's unlikely that we're missing a solution outside the range.

I made a histogram of counts in the range from "First over" to "Last under" and fit it to a normal distribution:
It looks close but there're definitely visible discrepancies. The sudden decrease near the boundary may be due to the cut-off, since if I extend the boundary, there will be more numbers filling in. So it's probably better to exclude the numbers that are close to the boundary. But even without them, the fit is still kind of off. I wonder what kind of distribution it is...

Update with CUDA (2024 01 21):

At first, I considered running multiple radii and sort the result, but it's about 5 times slower (about 7 hours), which is expected because sorting is slow. Then, I thought about counting sort again. It takes much more space and time than a hash set if the numbers only cover a small portion of the range, but it can be easily parallelized. The ratio of squared radii to range is about $\frac{10^6}{(4.3\times 10^6+1)^2-(4.3\times 10^6)^2}\approx\frac{1}{8.6}$. It's not too bad.

Next is to determine how many radii I can run at the same time. If I use long long type, with 128 radii, the range is about $128*2*4320000\approx 2^{30}$ long long numbers, which takes about 8GB. But I just need to store 0 and 1 in the range, and later sum over them to get the count of radii, which is about 10^6*128, still far from the maximum of int type. So, with int type, I can run 200 radii in parallel, which takes about 6.4GB.

Next is to assign the points to the kernel and mark their squared radii to 1. The points are in a long arc of a narrow ring. It's impossible to know where the point should be for a certain thread if I only want to run the points inside the region. So, at first I just precompute all the coordinates, then I can check each of them, since now they're in a one dimension array.

Finally, to find the number of squared radii between two radii, I need to sum over the data in range, so the count at radius r is the difference between the sum at the next radius and the one at this radius, count[$r$]=sum[$(r+1)^2-1$]-sum[$r^2$]. I wondered if there's an efficient algorithm to do this in parallel, but at first I just did a simple summation on CPU.

This version of the program took 5313.97s - it's actually slower, because most of the work was still done on CPU, and there's extra effort to copy data from ram to GPU and back. While the program was running, I thought about how to improve it.

First, I thought about how to do prefix sum in parallel. In a minute, I came up with an O(log n) steps algorithm - but it requires that O(n) threads can run in parallel, which is probably not feasible in many situations. I figured that there must already be research on this, so I searched about it. Apparently what I found was the "Naive Parallel Scan". I looked for the implementation of the efficient algorithm (bank-conflict-free Blelloch algorithm) and noticed that the cub library has this function, and it's included in the cccl.

Next, to get the coordinates of the points in parallel, I must put them in a parallelogram, 60 degrees slanted to the left or to the right. It's impossible to fit them all in the same parallelogram - there's too much empty space, since they are in a very narrow ring. So, I can only take a small portion at a time, and find the parallelogram that covers it entirely. The smaller the height, the less wasted space, but it needs to have enough numbers so that running them in parallel is beneficial.

After all of the above are integrated to the program, this is how it works:
--First I cut the range 4305000 -> 4320000 into steps with step size 200.
----Each region, which is 1/12 of the ring between radius r and r+200, are further cut horizontally where the height is in steps of 128.
------Each piece is extended to a parallelogram, and the coordinates of each point inside the parallelogram is computed in a CUDA kernel, and if the squared radius is in range, it marks the data at that location to 1.
----When all the pieces for a radius step are done, the cub prefix sum function is called to get the summations. Then another cuda kernel reads the summations at the two squared radii for each radius, subtracts them, and writes to the counts.
--Finally the counts are copied to the host and I get the results.

Guess how long did this version of the program take? 88.859s!!! More than 56 times speed up, it took 5.92ms per radius on average. It used about 1G system ram and about 13G GPU ram at peak, because the calculation of prefix sum requires the same amount of space for the destination, which is another 6.4GB.

I learned a lot in the process of writing this program, e.g. the Blelloch algorithm for prefix sum, how to debug cuda functions, etc. And the result is very satisfying!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Maximum Product Difference Between Two Pairs, but with a twist

Yesterday's daily problem, E1913. Maximum Product Difference Between Two Pairs, is a very easy one.

The product difference between two pairs (a, b) and (c, d) is defined as (a * b) - (c * d). For example, the product difference between (5, 6) and (2, 7) is (5 * 6) - (2 * 7) = 16. Given an integer array nums, choose four distinct indices w, x, y, and z such that the product difference between pairs (nums[w], nums[x]) and (nums[y], nums[z]) is maximized. Return the maximum such product difference. Constraints: 4 <= nums.length <= $10^4$ 1 <= nums[i] <= $10^4$
This problem is very easy, one just needs to find the largest two numbers and the smallest two. This works because all the elements are positive. So, naturally, I wonder, what if 0 and negative numbers are allowed? I.e, the second constraint becomes $-10^4$ <= nums[i] <= $10^4$? At first, I thought, this is just a little more complicated. But as I attempted to solve it, I figured that this problem has quite a few special situations that I must take care of. It takes a lot of patience and carefulness. Here is the test program that I wrote in C++. Are you able to solve this problem correctly? (The solution must still be $O(n)$.) (Let me know if you translated it into a different language. I'll add them or link them.)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int yourSolution(vector<int> &v){
    //input your solution here
int bruteForce(const vector<int> &v,int &i1,int &i2,int &i3,int &i4){
    const int sz=v.size();
    int r=0,e1,e2,e3,e4,t;
    for(int i=0;i<sz;++i){
        for(int j=i+1;j<sz;++j){
            for(int k=j+1;k<sz;++k){
                for(int l=k+1;l<sz;++l){
                    if(t>r) r=t,i1=e1,i2=e2,i3=e3,i4=e4;
                    if(t>r) r=t,i1=e1,i2=e3,i3=e2,i4=e4;
                    if(t>r) r=t,i1=e1,i2=e4,i3=e3,i4=e2;
    return r;
default_random_engine rg(chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
uniform_int_distribution<int> rollEle(1,10000);
const int optSize=12;
const int maxSize=32;
uniform_int_distribution<int> rollPos(0,maxSize-1);
uniform_int_distribution<int> roll0(0,1);
uniform_int_distribution<int> rollExtreme(0,1);
void noNeg(vector<int> &v){
    for(int i=0;i<maxSize;++i) v[i]=rollEle(rg);
    if(roll0(rg)) for(int i=0;i<3;++i) v[rollPos(rg)]=0;
void noPos(vector<int> &v){
    for(int i=0;i<maxSize;++i) v[i]=-rollEle(rg);
    if(roll0(rg)) for(int i=0;i<3;++i) v[rollPos(rg)]=0;
void mixed(vector<int> &v){
    for(int i=0;i<maxSize/2;++i) v[i]=rollEle(rg);
    for(int i=maxSize/2;i<maxSize;++i) v[i]=-rollEle(rg);
    if(roll0(rg)) for(int i=0;i<3;++i) v[rollPos(rg)]=0;
void neg2posN(vector<int> &v){
        if(rollExtreme(rg)) v=vector<int>{1,1,1,1,1,3,1,1000,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-1000,1,1,1,1,-2,1,1,1,1};
        if(roll0(rg)) v[0]=0;
    for(int i=2;i<maxSize;++i) v[i]=rollEle(rg);
    if(roll0(rg)) for(int i=0;i<3;++i) v[rollPos(rg)]=0;
void neg1posN(vector<int> &v){
    for(int i=2;i<maxSize;++i) v[i]=rollEle(rg);
    if(roll0(rg)) for(int i=0;i<3;++i) v[rollPos(rg)]=0;
void pos2negN(vector<int> &v){
        if(rollExtreme(rg)) v=vector<int>{1,1,1,1,1,3,1,-1000,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-1000,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1};
        if(roll0(rg)) v[0]=0;
    for(int i=2;i<maxSize;++i) v[i]=-rollEle(rg);
    if(roll0(rg)) for(int i=0;i<3;++i) v[rollPos(rg)]=0;
void pos1negN(vector<int> &v){
    for(int i=2;i<maxSize;++i) v[i]=-rollEle(rg);
    if(roll0(rg)) for(int i=0;i<3;++i) v[rollPos(rg)]=0;
void pos2neg2(vector<int> &v){
void pos2neg2and0(vector<int> &v){
void pos2neg1and0(vector<int> &v){
void neg2pos1and0(vector<int> &v){
void neg1pos1and0(vector<int> &v){
void (*updateTest[optSize]) (vector<int>&)={noNeg,noPos,mixed,neg2posN,neg1posN,pos2negN,pos1negN,pos2neg2,pos2neg2and0,pos2neg1and0,neg2pos1and0,neg1pos1and0};
int main(){
    int i1,i2,i3,i4;
    int repeat=10000;
    vector<int> test;
    uniform_int_distribution<int> rollOpt(0,optSize-1);
    for(int i=0;i<repeat;++i){
        int result=yourSolution(test);
        int maxi=bruteForce(test,i1,i2,i3,i4);
            cout<<"iteration number:"<<i<<endl;
            cout<<"input is ";
            for(auto e:test) cout<<e<<",";
            cout<<"Your answer is "<<result<<", but the maximum is abs("<<i1<<"*"<<i2<<"-"<<i3<<"*"<<i4<<")="<<maxi<<".\n";
            return 0;
    cout<<"All passed!\n";
    return 0;
For simplicity and speed, the test cases are not randomly shuffled, but it probably doesn't matter too much in this context. A bigger problem is, the extreme cases are too rare, so I added some of them manually. If you think there are other extreme cases that should be included, let me know!

I wrote my own solution and it passed all test cases, but I'm still not 100% sure it's correct. Let me know if you wrote a better test case generator that covers more corner cases!

IBM Ponder this 2023 11 solution

Problem description is here. The solution is given here.

When I saw the problem, I wondered if the diagonals include just the two main diagonals or the broken diagonals too. There's no explicit method to construct all magic squares of order $\geq 4$, but if we require that the broken diagonals also add up to the magic constant, i.e. we consider the pandiagonal magic squares, there is an explicit construction of all order 4 pandiagonal magic squares. So I just did that, and once I confirmed that the shortest path length of them is less than 50, I pretty much forgot about the more general magic squares. Well, I like the pandiagonal ones better anyway, because of their higher symmetry.

Once the matrix is constructed, the first thing to do is to check its parity, because we need that to determine which target it'll connect with. Another thing we may want to know is, a heuristic distance from this matrix to the target. One simple choice is the Manhattan distance, although I doubt its effectiveness. Anyway, here's my implementation of the order 4 pandiagonal magic squares:
struct matrix{
    array<array<int,4>,4> mat;
    coor coors[16];
    int dis,to_target;
    int perm=0;
    matrix(int b,int c,int d,int e,int tranX,int tranY){//tranX and tranY from 0 to 3
    void getDis(){
        for(int i=0;i<16;++i) dis+=abs(coors[i].x-target0coors[i].x)+abs(coors[i].y-target0coors[i].y);
    int checkPerm(){
        int arr[16];
        for(int i=0;i<4;++i)for(int j=0;j<4;++j) arr[4*i+j]=mat[i][j];
        if(arr[15]!=0){for(int i=0;i<15;++i){if(arr[i]==0){perm+=(i/4)+(i%4)-1;swap(arr[i],arr[15]);break;}}}
        for(int i=1;i<=15;++i){
                for(int j=0;j<15;++j){
        return perm;
    void print(ostream& output)const{
        output<<"distance is "<<dis<<endl;
        for(int i=0;i<4;++i){output<<"[";for(int j=0;j<3;++j) output<<mat[i][j]<<",";output<<mat[i][3]<<"]";if(i!=3) output<<",";else output<<"];";output<<endl;}
    void printDis(ostream& output)const{
        for(int i=0;i<16;++i) output<<i<<" "; output<<endl<<"distance:";
            for(int i=0;i<16;++i) output<<(abs(coors[i].x-target1coors[i].x)+abs(coors[i].y-target1coors[i].y))<<" ";
            for(int i=0;i<16;++i) output<<(abs(coors[i].x-target0coors[i].x)+abs(coors[i].y-target0coors[i].y))<<" ";
    void printPerm(ostream& output)const{output<<"perm="<<perm<<endl;}
    mr1 to_mr1()const{
        ull conf=0,co=0;
        for(int i=0;i<16;++i){co|=(ull)coors[i].x<<(4*i);co|=(ull)coors[i].y<<(4*i+2);}
        for(int i=0;i<4;++i)
            for(int j=0;j<4;++j)
        return mr1{conf,co,(int8_t)dis};
    mr0 to_mr0()const{
        ull conf=0,co=0;
        for(int i=0;i<16;++i){co|=(ull)coors[i].x<<(4*i);co|=(ull)coors[i].y<<(4*i+2);}
        for(int i=0;i<4;++i)
            for(int j=0;j<4;++j)
        return mr0{conf,co,(int8_t)dis};
I need to be able to find the element at given coordinates and also to find the coordinates of a given element, so I decided to store both. Next, I can build the graph and try to find a path. To save space, I noticed that an order 4 magic square can be expressed by a 64 bit integer - either configuration or coordinates. So I used that expression as a "reduced matrix". That's what the "mr0" and "mr1" are, corresponding to the different parities.

There are 384 order 4 pandiagonal magic squares, 192 for each parity.

Before implementing the reduced matrices, I tried to find a solution manually and see what the best result I could get was. I used this implementation and changed it a bit. First, I need to be able to set the parity (I could've computed the parity from the matrix input, but I decided to skip that. I could've also created a plain text input for the initial matrix, but it was not that important since I just wanted to see the result, so I kept it simple and just pasted the matrix into the source code). Next, I need the elements that I clicked in reverse order.

I found a solution of path length 90 manually.

Now, getting back to the reduced matrices and graph building algorithm...
unordered_map<ull,array<ull,4>> graph;
struct mr0{//reduced matrix
    ull conf,co;
    int8_t dis=0;
    mr0(ull conf1,ull co1,int8_t dist):conf(conf1),co(co1),dis(dist){}
    mr0 getMr(){
        ull confs[4];//left,right,up,down
        ull coos[4];
        int8_t dis[4];
        double prob[4]={0.0};
            int x=(co-1)&3,y=(co>>2)&3;
            int locOfe=4*(4*x+y);
            ull e=(conf>>locOfe)&15;
            if(dis[0]==0) return mr0{confs[0],coos[0],dis[0]};
            //cout<<"left config:\n";print(confs[0]);cout<<"distance="<<(int)dis[0]<<endl;
            int x=(co+1)&3,y=(co>>2)&3;
            int locOfe=4*(4*x+y);
            ull e=(conf>>locOfe)&15;
            if(dis[1]==0) return mr0{confs[1],coos[1],dis[1]};
            //cout<<"right config:\n";print(confs[1]);cout<<"distance="<<(int)dis[1]<<endl;
            int x=co&3,y=((co>>2)-1)&3;
            int locOfe=4*(4*x+y);
            ull e=(conf>>locOfe)&15;
            if(dis[2]==0) return mr0{confs[2],coos[2],dis[2]};
            //cout<<"up config:\n";print(confs[2]);cout<<"distance="<<(int)dis[2]<<endl;
            int x=co&3,y=((co>>2)+1)&3;
            int locOfe=4*(4*x+y);
            ull e=(conf>>locOfe)&15;
            if(dis[3]==0) return mr0{confs[3],coos[3],dis[3]};
            //cout<<"down config:\n";print(confs[3]);cout<<"distance="<<(int)dis[3]<<endl;
        for(int i=1;i<4;++i) prob[i]+=prob[i-1];
        for(int i=0;i<4;++i) prob[i]/=prob[3];
        //cout<<"Accumulated probabilities are:"; for(int i=0;i<4;++i) cout<<prob[i]<<","; cout<<endl;
        double p=roll1(generator);
        int l=0;
        for(;l<4;++l){if(p<prob[l]) break;}
        return mr0{confs[l],coos[l],dis[l]};
    void addg(ull nei){
        auto& arr=graph[conf];
        for(int i=0;i<4;++i){
            if(arr[i]==nei) return;
        auto& arr1=graph[nei];
        for(int i=0;i<4;++i){
    int getDis(ull coor){
        int dis=0;
        for(int i=0;i<16;++i) dis+=abs(int((coor>>4*i)&3)-target0coors[i].x)+abs(int((coor>>(4*i+2))&3)-target0coors[i].y);
        return dis;
They store the configuration and coordinates of the matrix and the manhattan distance to their target. The "getMr()" method generates a neighboring matrix with probability proportional to $e^{-\text{distance}*T}$ where $T$ is a constant parameter. The newly generated matrix is stored in a graph, and once it reaches the target, I did a BFS to find the shortest path.

Because the shortest path may be starting from any of the magic squares that has the same parity as the target, I just started from the target and looked for any of the initial matrices.
unordered_map<ull,int> layers;
unordered_set<ull> inits;
queue<ull> q;
ull bfs(ull start){
    while(!q.empty()) q.pop();
    int l=0;
        int sz=q.size();
            const auto &arr=graph[q.front()];
            for(int i=0;i<4;++i){
                ull t=arr[i];
                if(t==0) break;
                if(layers.find(t)!=layers.end()) continue;
                    while(!q.empty()) q.pop(); return t;}
    return 0;
vector<ull> getSteps(ull fin,ull tar){
    vector<ull> r{fin};
    ull nxt=fin;
    int l=layers[fin]-1;
    //cout<<"finished layers="<<l<<endl;
        const auto& arr=graph[nxt];
        for(int i=0;i<4;++i){
            if(arr[i]==0) break;
    return r;
Since it's a randomized algorithm, the first path that it finds is usually quite large, on the magnitude of 10,000 and has large fluctuations. But as the graph gets bigger, there's a higher chance that a short path will be found, and the shortest path length decreases. Quickly the length decreases to about 100, then it hardly moves, until the program crashes due to using too much memory, because the graph gets too big. The best result that I got with this algorithm is 59.

So, I searched for a better solver, and I found one here. Again, I need to change the source code a little bit to enable different parities.

For many of the inputs, this gives a result very fast, but for the rest, it also used too much memory (more than 12GB) and crashed. The implementation is quite general and not optimized for order 4 matrices.

Anyway, the best result I got from that program is, 42! The answer to life, universe and everything! Coincidence? I think not!

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 15 14 0

[12, 8, 7, 11, 10, 6, 5, 9, 6, 10, 8, 12, 14, 8, 11, 3, 4, 7, 12, 11, 3, 5, 10, 15, 8, 3, 5, 4, 2, 10, 9, 1, 10, 9, 4, 2, 9, 4, 15, 8, 3, 14]

10 4 9 7
1 15 2 12
6 8 5 11
13 3 14 0 

Now that I look at it again, I noticed that their distance function skips the empty cell, which I didn't do in my distance calculation. I think that's why it didn't work too well... Also, I think I only changed the destination for the odd parities, but forgot to change the distance function too. Maybe that's why there are more configurations that it was unable to solve. The distance is not guaranteed to be the shortest for those odd parity ones due to that, too. Anyway, it's not hard to fix, but I got to move on...

One issue with the $A^*$ algorithm is, one can only go in one direction, and if the distance function is not helpful, in the worst case it just reduces to a BFS in this context. And the radius to explore equals the length of the shortest path. On the other hand, if we start from both ends, we just need to explore two balls of radius $l/2$, where $l$ is the shortest length. This makes a huge difference when the volume is exponential in radius.

So, another way to solve it is, since we know that a solution with length $\leq 50$ exists, we can simply explore the space of radius 25 from both sides and stop when they touch and get the result. If they don't touch, we move on to the next one.

Each configuration has from 2 to 4 neighbors, or 1 to 3 children. If the case of 1 and 3 children has the same probability, there are at most 2^25 configurations in each sphere, which is about 32M. Including the surface, it would be 48M, two of them is 96M, each configuration can be stored in 64bit, need one byte to store the distance, so it would be 864MB. Considering more space is needed for hashmap and other overheads, theoretically it can be done using within 2GB memory... I wonder how much memory it actually uses.

So the bonus problem is easier to solve in this sense. If the path length is just a little longer, this method will not be feasible.
On the contrary, my randomized algorithm can find a solution to all the starting configurations very fast, but it's very hard to get the shortest path. It's pretty good for the main problem, though. It finds a solution with length $\leq 150$ pretty fast.

Now, consider the general magic squares, the only difference is how we generate them. Apparently there are 7040 of them, and 880 of them if we exclude reflections and rotations. We could find the list that's available on the internet like  here, and do the rotations and reflections to generate the others, or we could solve the 10 linear equations, where 9 of them are independent, and iterate through the permutations of the 7 independent elements. Because of the symmetry, we could fix one element, say 1, to 3 positions, so the total number of choices to consider is 3*15*14*13*12*11*10. Then we do the reflection and rotation to get all 7040 matrices. After we get all of them, the rest is pretty much the same.

The limit of an averaging sequence

Consider this sequence of length $n$: $P_n=(p_0,p_1,p_2,\dots,p_{n-1})$, where $p_0=2$, and each time the next number $p_k$ can be any numbe...